Fees and charges


I believe it is important to provide prospective and current clients with information about my fees and charges, so you can make an informed financial decision before booking an appointment.

I aim to keep my services accessible to the general community. My fees are significantly lower than the APS National Schedule of Recommended Fees.

Reduced fee and bulk-billing arrangements are strictly limited, with priority given to concession card holders experiencing financial hardship.

Below is a list of the 2024 fees for counselling and professional supervision.

Payment policy

  • The fee is payable in full at the end of the session.

  • If the fee is being paid by a third party, an invoice will be sent directly to them for payment.

Cancellation policy

  • If you need to cancel or change an appointment, please provide at least 24 hours’ notice otherwise you may be charged a 50 per cent late cancellation fee.

  • Failure to attend an appointment without advance notice will result in a 100 per cent non-attendance fee being charged.