Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a referral?


    You can access counselling services without a referral. However, to claim a Medicare rebate you will need a valid referral from a GP or psychiatrist.

  • How many sessions can I access under Medicare?

    While counselling sessions can be funded under a number of Medicare initiatives, the most common pathway is known as Better Access to Mental Health Care. To access rebates under this scheme, you will require a valid referral from your GP (after completing a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan) or psychiatrist. Under this scheme, clients can receive up to 10 session rebates per calendar year.

  • How long do sessions last?

    I allow 75 mins for initial appointments, recognising that there is often a lot to talk about and share. After that, sessions last 60 mins.

  • What should I expect in my first session?

    I will spend time getting to you know and to understand the issues that have led you to therapy. I may ask questions about your personal and family history, current concerns or problems, what has helped you in the past to overcome difficulties and what you are hoping to get out of therapy.

    My aim, as much as is possible when talking with a psychologist for the first time, is to create a comfortable space for free-flowing conversation and connection. Some people like to prepare and bring some notes with them to the first session but there is no requirement to do so.

  • How frequent are sessions? How many sessions will I require?

    This is a difficult question to answer. As a general rule, the longer the problem has been present in a person’s life, the longer therapy tends to take. Some people engage in brief or short-term therapy to work through a particular issue; others engage in longer-term therapy for more complex or long-standing issues.

    Frequency of sessions is ultimately determined by the client. Some people find more frequent sessions in the beginning is helpful, with the option to reduce frequency over time.

  • Can I speak with you before booking an appointment to make sure we are a good fit?

    Of course! Ensuring a good fit between therapist and client is important. I’m happy to have a short phone conversation with you prior to booking an appointment to discuss your needs and my approach.

  • What do I do if I need an urgent appointment?

    I am unable to provide a crisis or emergency response. See the crisis support numbers listed on contact page of the website if you need urgent assistance.

    If you want to secure a particular day or time, it is best to book your appointments in advance. Alternatively, you can go on a cancellation list should another person cancel their appointment.

  • Can you help me lodge my Medicare claim?


    In clinic – We can use a HICAPS machine to claim the Medicare rebate or private health insurance benefit on the spot.

    Telehealth or Outreach – If your bank account is connected to your Medicare card, I can process your claim online and funds will be transferred directly to your bank account. Alternatively, I can send you a receipt and you can submit your Medicare or private health insurance claim yourself.

  • Do I have to pay for my session at my appointment or can I pay later?

    Payment in full is required at the end of each session.

    If payment is being made by a third party (eg. employer, NDIS, Victim Assist), an invoice will be sent directly to them for payment.