Imperfections are not inadequacies

They are reminders that we’re all in this together

Welcome to Caitlin Mullins Psychology

I provide counselling and psychotherapy for young people and adults, with a special interest in perinatal and youth mental health, family wellbeing and trauma recovery.

Safety, authenticity, compassion, connection and hope are all vital aspects to my practice approach.

I believe that we are all capable of ongoing growth and change; and we can overcome adversity and challenges to lead happier, healthier and more meaningful lives.

Hi, I’m Caitlin…

I am a registered clinical psychologist with over 20 years’ experience working in the community, social and health sectors.

I see mental health and wellbeing as a holistic construct that is interconnected by physical, mental, emotional, relational, social, cultural and spiritual aspects. In my sessions I draw on a range of evidence-based therapeutic approaches, personalised to each client.

Services overview


Counselling and psychotherapy

Perinatal and youth mental health

Parenting and family wellbeing


Professional supervision

Individual and team supervision

Experience in rural and remote settings

Health, social and community sectors

Training and consultancy

Customised workforce development

Project management

Knowledge creation and translation 

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

— Maria Robinson

Make an appointment

If you would like to book a counselling or psychotherapy appointment please complete the online booking form via the ‘book now’ button below.


For general enquiries about professional supervision or to discuss any consultancy work please contact me directly via phone or the enquiry form.